Hedgehog Care: Diseases and Treatments

Keeping your pet hedgehog healthy is likely one of your top priorities. Pet hedgehog care is part common sense and part knowledge. Understanding some of the more common hedgehog diseases and the treatments needed to get your hedgehog back on track can help you to properly care for him. Of course, it is vitally important that you get your hedgehog to a veterinarian if you have any concerns about the hedgehog’s health.

Hedgehog Care and Digestive System Problems

Several digestive system problems may affect your hedgehog; however, these aren’t usually serious unless the symptoms are prolonged. It isn’t uncommon for hedgehogs to become constipated, but if you notice that he hasn’t pooped in two days or more, place him in two inches of warm water as part of a hedgehog care regimen to see if that helps him to poop.

Another digestive system problem that may affect your hedgehog is green poop. While this is most often caused by a dietary change or stress, you should take your hedgie to a vet for an exam to determine if another problem is causing the change in stool. This is one instance when home hedgehog care may harm hedgehogs as pets.

Hedgehog Care and False Hibernation

If hedgehogs as pets become too cold, they may get lethargic. The pet hedgehog will likely be cold to the touch, and he may wobble when he walks. Trying to warm him up is one of the best hedgehog care techniques you can do for your hedgehog. If he returns to normal after warming him up, you need to check the ambient temperature in his cage to be sure you are exercising proper hedgehog care. If it is below 72 degrees Fahrenheit, you need to find a way to warm his cage.


Hedgehog Care and Skin Conditions

It is possible for hedgehogs as pets to suffer from fungal infections and mites. One of the most common indicators of a skin condition is dry skin; however, don’t run to the vet with your hedgehog just because he has dry skin, as implementing a hedgehog care routine for his skin may correct the problem. Try applying some Vitamin E oil onto his skin. If this seems to help, your hedgehog is probably okay, but if your hedgehog is losing his quills, you need to get him to a vet as soon as possible, as this suggests a mite infestation. If you still suspect a fungal infection or mites, take him to the vet for a checkup, as prescription hedgehog care is needed.

Hedgehog Care and Ear or Eye Discharge

Your hedgehog should never have discharge coming from his eyes or ears. Ear discharge suggests an ear infection, and eye discharge suggests an eye infection. The exception to this occurs when your hedgehog has bedding stuck in his eye. If this is the case, standard hedgehog care includes using a towel dipped in warm water to try to clean the hedgie’s eye.

Hedgehog Care and Lumps and Bumps

Unfortunately, cancer is a disease that is commonly associated with hedgehogs as pets. If you notice any unusual lumps or bumps on your hedgehog while you are taking care of your daily hedgehog care routine, you need to head to a vet immediately to seek treatment. The same is true if you find unusual or changing marks on your hedgehog’s skin.

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